IHE Sousse - Formation Culture et Compétences Numériques CCN Level 1
CCN Level 1 Digital Culture and Skills training

IHES is at the heart of digitalization!

IHE Sousse - J’TED: Junior Trihybrid Evolution Days
J'TED: Junior Trihybrid Evolution Days

The event "J'TED: Junior Trihybrid Evolution Days" organized by "JET : Junior Entreprise of Tunisia" ...

IHE Sousse - Formation Logiciel STATA
STATA Software Training

This training will be organized on Wednesday, April 07, 2021 at 14H for the Master M1 & M2.

IHE Sousse - Formations & Certifications en Développement Personnel
Training & Certifications in Personal Development

If you aim for fulfillment, success, happiness, you must constantly work on your personal development...

IHE Sousse - Forum de l'étudiant entrepreneur
Student Entrepreneur Forum

The Student Entrepreneur Forum and the panel discussion that followed the event.